He who stopped a suicide

Installation view of He who stopped a suicide.

Complications and denial, 2018. Funeral flowers and barb wire.

Complications and denial, 2018. Funeral flowers and barb wire. Detail image.

Complications and denial, 2018. Funeral flowers and barb wire. Detail image.

Perched between, 2018. Rose quartz crystals, wire and flour. Installation view.

Perched between, 2018. Rose quartz crystals, wire and flour. Detail image.

Perched between, 2018. Rose quartz crystals, wire and flour. Detail image.

Reflecting pool for none, 2018. Funeral flower, hair, graphite, water and silicone. Installation view.

Reflecting pool for none, 2018. Funeral flower, hair, graphite, water and silicone. Detail image.

Reflecting pool for none, 2018. Funeral flower, hair, graphite, water and silicone. Detail image.

Remnants of a failed wish, 2018. Black long sleeve T-shirt and wood rod.

Remnants of a failed wish, 2018. Black long sleeve T-shirt and wood rod. Detail image.
This series was create, in part, with the help of Serenity Casket and Mount Vernon Sanctuary.